Updated Understanding the media — June 21, 2017
Understand The Creative Media Final — June 12, 2017
Surf Equipment, clothing —

Surf Equipment, clothing

Image result for surfboardImage result for wetsuitImage result for wetsuit

These are the essentials to surfing.  Before if you don’t know what you are doing, the equipment you first of all will need are these. You can easily borrow a board or hire one close to popular beaches and bays or in holiday resorts. Wetsuits are vital because if the water is cold you could get very ill from the cold chills and it overall makes it a more enjoyable experience. if you have been surfing for a longer time you will know the small amount of protection it gives you.

Best Surfers Of All Time — June 7, 2017

Best Surfers Of All Time

The Duke, Waikiki, around 1912. Photo:  State Library of Queensland

The person who introduced modern surf into the world of water sport was a Hawaiian man called Duke Kahanamoku.  He is responsible for making surfing spread acroos his home and other countries very fast, this was in 1912, Duke was born in 1890. He was one of  5 children that followed up with the sport but sadly he died at the age of 77 because of a heart attack. But in his life time he managed to compete in the Olympics in different countries during his live stay. he competed in the 400m  and 100m in a surf competition in 1920 and was honoured in 1999 after he had died.

Miki Dora in a magazine ad for his

This is Miki Dora, he is stated the 2nd best surfer of all time. He was stated the king of Malibu for his rowdy surfing.  some background information would be that he was born in Budapest is 1934. He was known for bringing the rebel side of surfing into the picture. After his surf start in life, he ended up creating films such as: The Beach Party.

There is no surfer with more titles or fame than Kelly Slater. Photo: AroyanThis is the 3rd best surfer known to making his name in the internet. He wasn’t the first person to find surfing but he was a very popular surfer in athletics then The 1990s saw Kelly Slater register possibly the most dominant performance of any athlete in any other sport. He’s won medals for surfing in the years: ’92, ’94, ’95, ’96, and ’99.

This is a scrimshawed portrait of Nick Gabaldon from one of the few photos that exist of him. Art: Peter SpacekThis is Nick Gabaldon, he was born in 1927, in Los Angeles on june the 14th. The first African- American surfer which was accepted my other surfers from Malibu that helped him out.




















Questionnaire Feedback — May 2, 2017
Film Analysis Steven Spielsburg — April 24, 2017

Film Analysis Steven Spielsburg

Primary Research Sheet: Textual Analysis


Name of Director Steven Spielsburg


Name of Film Jaws,1975
Scene (Approx timings)  


Date/Time Accessed  



Describe ONE scene from your chosen film
The scene I have chosen is he opening scene of Jaws. In this scenes, there’s loads of teenage kids sat around a fire on the beach, they are all listening to music and chilling. Whilst everyone was distracted Chrissie and a boy decide to go for a ‘swim’. After stripping of naked whilst running to the see, Chrissie manages to go out deep into the water, whilst her friend is drunk and takes ages. Eventually she gets dragged under by the shark but no one hears her as her friend has passed out on the beach.




Analyse the scene and comment on how the director uses filmmaking techniques (I.e., Cinematography, Editing, Mise-en-scene, Sound, Special Effects (SFX), Narrative, Genre)

At the beginning the audience is introduced to a ominous sound but the music soon switches. Then the music sounds like waves slowly crashing, the sounds you would hear laying on a beach in the midnight which relates to the name of the film ‘Jaws’ gives hints on what the film will be about. Throughout the beginning of the scene when everyone is chilling, there only dialogue with soft sounds of a fire burning in the background. The sound tracks get more intense when Chrissie is in the water and the shark is behind her, it’s the typical ‘dundun’ music increasing as he gets closer. It contrasts with above the water, because there is so sound, whilst the camera kept switching.




The editing in this scene is reasonably simple, there is a cross cut when the music changes and Chrissie is being killed, but the guy on the beach has passed out so hes oblivious to what’s happening. There’s also consistent fades of when the girl and boy is running, it shows she’s running a lot faster than she is. Suggesting maybe she’s not as drunk and a lot keener to go in the water. Lastly there’s some jump cuts of when te shark is coming up to the water and when she is swimming around, this creates suspense and has a dramatic effect on the audience, this is why Spielberg did it.



At the beginning there’s a pan, establishing shot which sets the location, showing that the youngsters are all together enjoying the evening with a fire, I think Spielberg did this because he wants his audience to think nothing bad’s going to happen at this point. The most powerful shot of the scene was the worms eye shot, which was at the beginning as the shark. This creates tension because people don’t know whether the sharks going to appear now or whether or not it even is a shark. There’s a few medium shots of Chrissie when she’s looking at the boy to create tension between them both and then again when she’s in the water. The sea shots show she’s relaxed and happy although its dark and she’s alone.



The characters that are sat around the fire have a hippy nature therefore will be at the beach a lot. They don’t show fear of anything attacking them at the beach as they are all pretty laid back. Spielsburg has used teenagers because they arw vulnerable and in the public eye stupid enough to go into water when its dark not thinking about the safety.Chrissie is yuour stereotypical victim, shes pretty and blonde which is usually seen in most popular action or horror film.





How useful is this scene in demonstrating the importance of your chosen director?


Pesonally I think he’s used the music effects and tension opportunities perfectly, but it doesn’t give me much information in spielsburg himself. I think the conventions of this scene are typical, theres no massive change in which I haven’t seen before in this kind of film. For an opening scene it did grab my attention.





Film Analysis Tim Burton —

Film Analysis Tim Burton

Primary Research Sheet: Textual Analysis


Name of Director Tim Burton
Name of Film Edward scissor hands


Scene (Approx timings) 25:10 to 31:43


Date/Time Accessed 6th April 2017



Describe ONE scene from your chosen film
The scene ‘Edward scissor hands’ is set in a bright and happy housing estate which Edwards not used to. In this scene the two main characters, Peggy, and Edward are sitting in Peggys vehicle which she drives into the road. I think the expression on Edwards face and the location are the most obscene parts to the clip which the director, Tim Burton has wanted to focus on. The scene is very contrasted; this is shown through characters, colors and the music.


Analyse the scene and comment on how the director uses filmmaking techniques (I.e., Cinematography, Editing, Mise-en-scene, Sound, Special Effects (SFX), Narrative, Genre)

·         Mise en scene

The clothes that Edward and Peggy are wearing in the scene are contrasting a lot. Edwards wearing dark gothic clothes, with metallic sleeves and thick materials that connote darkness and unhappiness. He has no skin showing besides his face which suggests he’s ashamed of who he is and illustrates insecurities. Peggy’s outfit is juxtaposed because she’s wearing bright colors this suggests she is innocent and pure with no worries. As the neighborhood is also bright it shows Peggy fits in perfectly, whereas Edward is an outcast. Her outfit is light purple with a knee length skirt, this sort of clothing is associated with sensibility and innocence, perhaps like a younger girl. I think Tim Burton has created this effect at the end to create a juxtaposed image of people, showing there is two very types of people that can come together to be friends or love one another, or that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.

The music

in this scene was orchestral and calm; I think the director did this to contrast with the location itself. It showed the expression on Edwards face that he was happy to see the new brightness place. The music changed with a sting of darkness when Edward pointed at the beautiful bright scene and almost snipped of her nose. That is suggesting the music stays in sync with what’s happening in the scene; if something bad happens the music lowers and whilst its good it stays high.







Camera angles

At the very end there is a close up shot of Edward looking in his side mirror at his old gothic house, I think this is one of the most powerful points of the scene because it shows change. This is because he’s now entered a bright new place which he is new to but likes the look of it, with the help of Peggy he’s almost entered a new world. The fact that hes driving forward away from house suggests he wants change, The colors are dark similar to how he is dressed, gothic and down. Another shot would be the Medium, establishing shot that shows Peggy and Edward sat gracefully in the car, this shot allows the audience to see the difference in the colors between them. The panning shot portrays the colors and sets the scene, showing the colorful road.

The street was being judge by its happiness and bright colors but you shouldn’t judge it by the way it looks.


Finally, I think Tim burton has wanted this to be the most important part of the end clip. For example, Edwards reaction to the scene, the fact that someone so different hast seen such a beautiful location before because he’s so used to darkness. Peggy is almost in a bubble to such perfect normality with the bright colors and happiness. By Edwards’s facial expression he isn’t sure how to take all of this in. Peggy seems adamant the whole way through that shes happy to show Edward such a place.



How useful is this scene in demonstrating the importance of your chosen director?
Tim Burton is an important director as the way he has chosen to contrast the characters through the film and this end clip finalizes my opinion, I felt it was the strongest with the juxtaposition of darkness and happiness, this could relate to everyday life on judging a book by its cover or you don’t have to look a certain way to fit in. one of the films themes is change, which the director as especially emphasized on in this scene. In normal society we wouldn’t of put character such as Edward and Peggy together.


This film isn’t your normal romance film, it breaks all the conventions of a normal reality TV show. With his initial genre being dark fantasy, i have realized that Tim Burton lives within his imagination. Because throughout the film the events and scenes that happen would happen in your everyday life .


QUESTIONNAIRE — April 19, 2017
Ratings, Film Review- Tim Burton —
Research log —

Research log

Date Source of Information Description of Information Obtained Why has it or not been included?

How could it be used?

20/01/13 Website:


Information about

healthy diet.


Eight tips for eating well.


Food Myths

The information gained from this could be used for the captions at the end of the documentary. Good reliable source of government information.
27/01/13 Book:

Romanoff, J. The eating well healthy in a hurry cookbook (Norton,2005)

Healthy food recipes Good recipes but not suitable for my target audience. I need to look into other possible sources.
6/03/17 Website:


Information about his films


Opinions on his films

Gives me an ides of his success  
6/03/17 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Burton Early life Background information important
6/03/17 http://www.the-numbers.com/person/21830401-Tim-Burton#tab=technical Post forums



Let me know facts about his upbringing  
8/03/17 https://www.google.co.uk/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=quetin+tarantino+awards&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&gfe_rd=cr&ei=ow3RWO6kD83v8AfrgofoDw#safe=strict&q=Palme+d’Or&stick= Awards from the celebrities


Tim burton,Quentin and Spielsburg  
  https://www.google.co.uk/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=quetin+tarantino+awards&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&gfe_rd=cr&ei=ow3RWO6kD83v8AfrgofoDw#safe=strict&q=spielsburg+awards&* Awards Awareness of his achivements  
  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quentin_Tarantino Basic info    

 Research Log

Project Name: Three Biggest Directors

Name: Racheal Leonard