Interview Final piece — June 21, 2017
Production schedule- Interview —
Surfing Videos — June 20, 2017
Arranging the Interview —
Interview In Progress —
How are Surfboards made? —

How are Surfboards made?

First of all, the material to make a surf board isn’t easy to get hold of you need:

  • rigid polyurethane
  • A foamy core
  • Hard outer shell – fibreglass cloth
  • polyester resins

There is quite a few ways you can create surf boards, these ways of shaping and building them are:

  • Custom surfboard shaping
  • Machine shaped PU surfboards
  • Firework technology
  • Surftech surfboards (tuflite technology)
  • Solomon S core

Custom shaping 

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This is Custom shaping which is one of many tactics to crate a surfboard,to begin the blank is shaped by hand using a variety of tool then you use a saw  to cut the outline of the board you like  and then an electric tool is used to take off the hard outer skin of the blank and any large areas of foam that need to be removed.  A  took called rasping is used then sandpaper is finally used to thin out the blank and give the custom surfboard its finished shape. You can also spray paint this if you wish or add cool shape.
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Surftech Surfboards

surftech is producing some of the strongest lightweight epoxy surfboards in the world. It gives high performance and maximum durability and is used by many shapers throughout the world. Tuflite technology was introduced by Randy French in 1992 when he started Surftech. French, a shaper since the late 1960’s has been on the leading edge of surfboard design and evolution for over 30 years. His industry leading windsurf company, Seatrend, set technological and design standards in windsurfing for over 10 years







Research log- Interview — June 12, 2017

Research log- Interview

Date Source of Information Description of Information Obtained Why has it or not been included?

How could it be used?

20/01/13 This helped me chose my target audience. Images of surfers and interview question examples .ive used some of the images to help me decide what I wanna do. .useful
27/01/13 A male surf magazine This helped me decide what I didn’t want to do, I decided to use a female audience instead so it wasn’t useful Not good. This was a page I found all about surfing, quite useful. Information about interviews good Interviews It was useful because it esd sbout boyds, gave me more knowledge on the surf topic and decided that I wanted to do a female theme. This has given me a depth knowledge of the first people to surf and introduced it. Helped me alot Gave me background information on surfers. helpful good
Interview Questions —

Interview Questions

  1. would you please Tell me about yourself? what do you like to do in your spare time, involving surf?
  2. tell me more about your activities, hobbies? to do with surf/ sport?
  3. obviously you started surfing when you was young what inspired you to do surf?
  4. did it all begin with a family involvement of the hobby ? elaborate?
  5. do you have any surf idols? does she/ they  compete in competitions?
  6. where do surfers compete? where do you surf?
  7. opinion on whether surf is a sport?
  8. what are the general advantages? and disadvantages of surfing as a girl? personal disadvantages?
  9. what would you said that your worst experience of embarrassment would be ?
  10. as a surfer where would be your favourite places to surf if you were stressed or has bit of free time?, is there any perks of this?
  11. as a surfer do you eat healthy Food? or have to have a balanced diet, staying healthy
  12.  What kind of culture do you know? where id surf come from? locals and  background information
Questionnaire feedback – interview — June 7, 2017
Interview Plan — June 1, 2017

Interview Plan


The date of this will be on Saturday the 1st of June. this day was planned through, we wanted to record earlier but none of us were available to film any sooner.


The location was my house, we sat in my kitchen a the table, firstly discussed the questions I was going to ask briefly so she could prepare herself some long answers. jotted some notes.


The times were whenever she could prepare a lift to my house. But she managed to make it about 11. She had to attend a baby shower by 1.


Costume is wearing whatever you’re comfy in, the recommended outfit would just to wear a t shirt and jeans, something comfy because you’re going to be sat around recording.